Monday, April 20, 2009

oh that bodys like music to my ears..

Wow. So my life did a complete 180. I find myself hating my father, and siding with my mother. Waking up earlier than normally.. being a good momma to my dog, eating healthier.. went a little shopping and got some cute ass things :) ALMOST got a wave perm but backed out last minute.. then decided to get BANGS -- didn't end up doing that either! Wednesday i'm going to get my hair done with Rachel.. we will see what happens, ill most likely just get it cut really short or something. I need something new. Just bought this product online called "Surfer Waves" it's spray that gives me Audrina Partridges kind of hair.. YESsssSssSsssSSS!! I just learned that 30 minutes of a work out only burns carbs, an HOUR burns fat.. any after that burns protein. Wow I need to start busting ass. I went to Tysons alone today, although I'm broke I got a cute dress from Forever 21 and some shorts from AE. I think im going to persuade my father to take me shopping for some unnessicary things tomorrow before he leaves for Iraq on Wednesday. I just changed the playlist to this jaunt and I've had my page up all night ;).. LOVE LOVE LOVE JESSES NEW SONGS! Hate hate HATE One tree hill. Im glad Jamal & Gerard posted me a video tonight.. it gave me a good laugh. I miss my friends terribly, but I can't wait to move to Radtown and get my shit together. I went shopping for some kitchen things like a microwave and plates, spatchulas and shit like that. I'll be going to IKEA with my mom later in the summer. Crazy storm tonight, my power went off 3 times in 2 minutes and my streeet NEVER has the power go out, ever. It's the one blessed street in Sugarland that storms don't want to interfere with. A project i've been working on is going through all my clothes and determining which ones I want/need/fit into.. Theres so much that I like but I never wear, or that were just too expensive to just give away. Who would just give $250 jeans to purple heart? On another note.. I find my style to be very unique. you know, jeans and a sweat shirt.. the usual, but recently i've been inspired by the whole Bohemian/Hippy thing. Everytime I go shopping for this "look" I go with full forced mentality of what I want and end up leaving with a big Victoria Secret bag. I'm really into peace signs, I have a ring, bracelet, necklace and jean shorts with peace signs and daisys on them.. Im also really into headbands. Maybe this whole changing of my hair thing is coming from my desire to become bohemian. Who knows. ~Seacrest Out

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