Saturday, April 11, 2009

you're a lush & i hate it.

Wow, things have been very interesting since i've last written. I don't know how I can describe it. Soo yeah, im just going to tell you that I went to Busch Gardens for my first time ever yesterday and now have a season pass so if you wanna go hit me up ;) I LOVE LOVE LOVE Rollercoasters. The fact that I OD on deep fried food then decided to ride a loopy coaster wasn't the best of ideas.. I blacked out for a good 5 seconds while mid-air.. but I came to and just decided not to scream anymore, keep the adrenaline moving through my veins. On line for this scary 3-D ride that took a good 40 minutes to wait on, Aaron got a nose bleed.. a bad one. So I ran to get tissues and didn't get enough and there was blood everywhere, so sick. I drove back and go into a huge argument in the car with Aaron because APPARENTLY I'm a crazy road raged driver. No. That's not it at all, If you're in the fast lane you better be going fucking fast, if not get out. It's funy to ride peoples asses now because my car is larger than most so my headlights are right in their faces and then they move out of the way for me to come through :) So then we went to Logans, best place ever and I got really sick from eating so much food and then went to sleep.. woke back up at 4 because I can't breathe and I was sweating when it was only 70 degrees in my house. So finally I turned off the heat and now it's at 65 and it's pretty nice. My nose is just too annoying, i've blown it so much that the tip of my nose is shaped a little different, too bad because I like my crooked nose. I was supposed to go visit Grandma Good in PA today because she had heart surgery but I really just don't feel like even moving, I really like where she lives though, Thompsontown. It's such a small area, close knit. Corn feild in the backyard, everyone knows everyone.. Grocery store is someone's basement. Ok, it's not somewhere i'd ever want to live but it makes you feel greatful about where you live. So my left nosetril is dripping. Sick. OK WELL Im going to go to sleep and maybe go to 711 and fill up my car and buy gum for someone other than me.

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