Saturday, April 11, 2009

why the fuck would i blow up chick fil a?

2nd post of the day. Im going to barf. I just had nachos from taco bell. Took a nap and woke up at 3, did nothing the rest of the day but watch Tyra. Then went to go see Observe and Report god I love Seth Rogan. I don't think i've ever laughed at a movie so hard before in my life aside of Pineapple Express. Too many funny one liners, and the flasher guy was SO tiny if you know what I mean, not even an inch. So disgusting. I suggest to the world to go see that movie but not with a parent because it'd be incredibly awkward to see a fat mans jiggling body and genitals. Now i'm sitting at home completely and utterly bored facebook creeping and chatting with Riley, just having a heart to heart. I absolutely cannot wait for the Season Finale of Rock of Lovebus. Brett NEEDS to pick Taya. She's perfect for him. Mindy is too in secure and wouldn't know how to handle herself on the road. Too emotional and a debby downer. I don't even know how she's made it this far.

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