Thursday, April 30, 2009

knock you down.

Went shopping with Rayfizzle today, she bought me make up from Sephora :) L-O-V-E her. I just need to be taught how to use it... although they give you instructions i'm just not that smart. SO I wake up early today (10:50) to get caps tickets that went on sale at 11. It's a birthday present from my mom. At 11 am and 15 seconds the site released tickets and I got 2 in secton 113. I'm not a big sports person.. I've been to enough football and basketball games to get the jist of what's going on.. but when against my will I had to watch hockey.. WOW was I entertained!!! It's the most exciting thing i've ever watched besides mens lacrosse. Not to mention this Alexander Ovechkin guy is kind of fucking sexy minus the missing tooth. Finally a Washington team that we can be proud of, it's crazy seeing those fans go nuts and shit, I can't wait to be apart of it. I hope the Capitols extend Ovechkins contract or some shit because I don't want to buy his shirt just for this game and never wear it again!! Hmm.. and this bitch sneezed on me today at Forever 21. Naturally I yelled SWINE and devowered myself in hand santizer. Fucking idiots.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

i keep the shuffle on em.

ello :) someone needs to control my eating habits! I keep eating brownies, m&m ice cream sandwiches, and strawberry shortcakes. I feel so gross afterward, atleast im running again. I've come to the conclusion im going to try out for Radfords lax team when I get there.. I misss ittttttt, we'll see though. I want the warm weather back. I miss laying out on my trampoline and going for long runs at night and wearing a sweatshirt inside my house.. I hate when people complain about how hot they are, turn the fucking AC on. My surf girl hair shit came in today, too bad it's too short to do anything i'll just have to grow it out. Going shopping with Rayfizzle tomorrow at Tyco, I need to get sundresses and an Ovechkin jersey cause i'm going to the game on saturday!! yesss. I don't know where i'll be sitting at yet though, but who cares! I have a friend who sees him after every game and he has season tickets, but will only let me get the hook ups if I either A. sleep with him, or B. blow him.. I mean, his name is Aaron so technically it wouldn't be cheating on Aaron right?? JK :) T Pain sickens me. I love LOVE love Jesse McCartney and the fact that these rappers are coming into their songs are pissing me off. Except Luda, cause he's the shit. I'm pretty obsessed with Waynes song 'put me in the game'.. I also need to get the new Brian Dawkins jersey once they release them. Go Broncos. (cough...) My birthday is in like, 6 days and im pretty excited although my dad is back in Iraq.. i'll still get alot of money.

Crash and burn; jesse mccartney

Monday, April 20, 2009

oh that bodys like music to my ears..

Wow. So my life did a complete 180. I find myself hating my father, and siding with my mother. Waking up earlier than normally.. being a good momma to my dog, eating healthier.. went a little shopping and got some cute ass things :) ALMOST got a wave perm but backed out last minute.. then decided to get BANGS -- didn't end up doing that either! Wednesday i'm going to get my hair done with Rachel.. we will see what happens, ill most likely just get it cut really short or something. I need something new. Just bought this product online called "Surfer Waves" it's spray that gives me Audrina Partridges kind of hair.. YESsssSssSsssSSS!! I just learned that 30 minutes of a work out only burns carbs, an HOUR burns fat.. any after that burns protein. Wow I need to start busting ass. I went to Tysons alone today, although I'm broke I got a cute dress from Forever 21 and some shorts from AE. I think im going to persuade my father to take me shopping for some unnessicary things tomorrow before he leaves for Iraq on Wednesday. I just changed the playlist to this jaunt and I've had my page up all night ;).. LOVE LOVE LOVE JESSES NEW SONGS! Hate hate HATE One tree hill. Im glad Jamal & Gerard posted me a video tonight.. it gave me a good laugh. I miss my friends terribly, but I can't wait to move to Radtown and get my shit together. I went shopping for some kitchen things like a microwave and plates, spatchulas and shit like that. I'll be going to IKEA with my mom later in the summer. Crazy storm tonight, my power went off 3 times in 2 minutes and my streeet NEVER has the power go out, ever. It's the one blessed street in Sugarland that storms don't want to interfere with. A project i've been working on is going through all my clothes and determining which ones I want/need/fit into.. Theres so much that I like but I never wear, or that were just too expensive to just give away. Who would just give $250 jeans to purple heart? On another note.. I find my style to be very unique. you know, jeans and a sweat shirt.. the usual, but recently i've been inspired by the whole Bohemian/Hippy thing. Everytime I go shopping for this "look" I go with full forced mentality of what I want and end up leaving with a big Victoria Secret bag. I'm really into peace signs, I have a ring, bracelet, necklace and jean shorts with peace signs and daisys on them.. Im also really into headbands. Maybe this whole changing of my hair thing is coming from my desire to become bohemian. Who knows. ~Seacrest Out

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I don't speak Spanish, Japanese or French..

Have you ever heard a song and it just made you feel SO good? I find myself finding a new song and having it on repeat for the next 2 weeks of my life. Nonstop, just smiling, dancing.. singing in the shower. The best feeling in the world. I thought 'Hot Revolver' was good, I was wrong. Jesse McCartney never ceases to amaze me. His voice is so captivating. He sounds just as good live and he does on the track and that's why I love him so much, it doesn't hurt that he's freaking gorgeous too.. For the past 10 years of my life I would listen to his Dream Street songs and dance to all the moves and I thought I was in love. Although Jesse will always have a place in my heart it's time to come to reality. It's pretty sad thinking back that I would cry when I wasn't able to go to a concert when I was younger. I'd make my dad, or Emma's mom drive us all the way to Jersey or New York just for a 1 hour event. The song "Body Language" is the greatest song I've ever heard. Off of Jesse's recharged Departure CD, this beats Leavin' and How do you sleep. I can't even begin to explain how addicted I am to this song, it's not ok. On another note, music and it's lyrics saved my friends life. He was once into drugs, depressed.. just a lonely kid and when needed help all I did was suggest was to listen to music. It's just amazing what music artists do to the world.

Monday, April 13, 2009


SO happy Brett Michaels picked taya. I knew it from the very first episode. I must admit ill be pretty freaking upset that I wont have any more Rock of Love's to watch, except the reunion episode next sunday at 9.. and then Daisy of Love is on!! YUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I suggest to everyone go watch Observe and Report - I already mentioned that but i can't stop quoting it.
Ronny: I know your plan Saddamn, You're going to blow the Chick fil A!
Saddam: "Why the fuck would I blow up Chick fil a? It's fucking delicious!"
Oh it's just funnier on the screen. Just finished watching I love Money 2. I'm so mad 20 pack went home, I have no reason for watching it. Mayammee made NO sense. She called him up saying "You made a deal with my alliance and I wont go against my alliance, but they want you gone so you're check is void" How the FUCK does that make sense? The alliance agreed to save him. Just because IT wants to continue to fuck Saaphari ... UGH... sooo retarded. I hate the way the game is played. Survival of the STRONGEST - Why isn't Frank the Entertainer, 20 pack, and HEAT still on? OH.. AND BUDDHA... We want entertainment not some whack ass weak chicks who would be no where without Tailor Made. Who do they think they are? They would be NOWHERE without Tailor Made. Anywhoo.. Im watching For the Love of Ray J and I really hope Ray ends up with Danger, but I know he doesn't because of the National Equirerer. He'll end up with Cocktail. Just please please please not Unique. She's so much bigger than him and she's physco. Off to the boys lax game tonight, home vs. Broad Run.. Should be a crazy game. Wish them luck.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

why the fuck would i blow up chick fil a?

2nd post of the day. Im going to barf. I just had nachos from taco bell. Took a nap and woke up at 3, did nothing the rest of the day but watch Tyra. Then went to go see Observe and Report god I love Seth Rogan. I don't think i've ever laughed at a movie so hard before in my life aside of Pineapple Express. Too many funny one liners, and the flasher guy was SO tiny if you know what I mean, not even an inch. So disgusting. I suggest to the world to go see that movie but not with a parent because it'd be incredibly awkward to see a fat mans jiggling body and genitals. Now i'm sitting at home completely and utterly bored facebook creeping and chatting with Riley, just having a heart to heart. I absolutely cannot wait for the Season Finale of Rock of Lovebus. Brett NEEDS to pick Taya. She's perfect for him. Mindy is too in secure and wouldn't know how to handle herself on the road. Too emotional and a debby downer. I don't even know how she's made it this far.

you're a lush & i hate it.

Wow, things have been very interesting since i've last written. I don't know how I can describe it. Soo yeah, im just going to tell you that I went to Busch Gardens for my first time ever yesterday and now have a season pass so if you wanna go hit me up ;) I LOVE LOVE LOVE Rollercoasters. The fact that I OD on deep fried food then decided to ride a loopy coaster wasn't the best of ideas.. I blacked out for a good 5 seconds while mid-air.. but I came to and just decided not to scream anymore, keep the adrenaline moving through my veins. On line for this scary 3-D ride that took a good 40 minutes to wait on, Aaron got a nose bleed.. a bad one. So I ran to get tissues and didn't get enough and there was blood everywhere, so sick. I drove back and go into a huge argument in the car with Aaron because APPARENTLY I'm a crazy road raged driver. No. That's not it at all, If you're in the fast lane you better be going fucking fast, if not get out. It's funy to ride peoples asses now because my car is larger than most so my headlights are right in their faces and then they move out of the way for me to come through :) So then we went to Logans, best place ever and I got really sick from eating so much food and then went to sleep.. woke back up at 4 because I can't breathe and I was sweating when it was only 70 degrees in my house. So finally I turned off the heat and now it's at 65 and it's pretty nice. My nose is just too annoying, i've blown it so much that the tip of my nose is shaped a little different, too bad because I like my crooked nose. I was supposed to go visit Grandma Good in PA today because she had heart surgery but I really just don't feel like even moving, I really like where she lives though, Thompsontown. It's such a small area, close knit. Corn feild in the backyard, everyone knows everyone.. Grocery store is someone's basement. Ok, it's not somewhere i'd ever want to live but it makes you feel greatful about where you live. So my left nosetril is dripping. Sick. OK WELL Im going to go to sleep and maybe go to 711 and fill up my car and buy gum for someone other than me.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Do you have the time to listen to me whine?

She askin' whose on the other line, you diss me every time
I tellem baby ima star. shit im above and now i done got so high i did forgotten who you are.

Haven't written in a while it seems. Wont't end up going to Flo-rida :( But will be going to NY with my men for a couple days. Aaron and I made a new guinea pig habitat for my piggies. We drove around looking everywhere for this certain supply that no one had so finally we settled on making a wood cavy but now i have nowhere to put their water :/ Atleast they have more room to run around, even though they are scared shitless as to why they are in this new place. So glad Aaron has Spring Break, nothing is better than the feeling of going to sleep and waking up with the person you love most except their hot stank breath :) We've been lazy and I love it. Watched I Love Money 2 today, pretty upset that Becky Buckwild left, but she hasn't been funny or entertaining since Frank left.. Once again I can't stress enough how bad I want Prancer and Myammee gone.. and Saaphari. Final 2: 20 pack & tailor made (!!!!) I hate that Gossip Girl isn't on till April 20th. I'm excited for For the Love of Ray-J.. even though I know Danger goes home, she's my favorite - He better not pick Unique. She's big and fat and annoying. Either Danger or COCKTAIL!.... And Greek, a really stupid retarded show that has no point to it. I'm only watching it cause Jesse's on it.. I read the season summery and it's just a stupid show I wish I didn't have to watch it but I have an obligation to uphold as his biggest fan. Ok well i'm going to finish my Arnold Palmer and do things until Aaron comes back over for the night.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pissed Off.

It was bad enough having to wait for Tha Carter 3 to come out since Lil Wayne kept pushing it back for reasons no one will ever know.. but now he's pushed back his Rebirth release date to May.. this is so annoying. Does he not realize theres children all across the world replaying 'Hot Revolver' in their cars multiple times only to have the end cut off because the illegal downloads cheat you? Ugh. I would rather carry my laptop with me everywhere I go so I can listen to my blog page only because they have the complete version of that song. I guess I'll just have to wait.. and then most likely wait again because he'll probably push it back another month or so. I don't blame him, rapper gone rock and roll he probably needs to make adjustments.
Anyways, saw Fast and Furious. Perfect. Forget the other 2 lame ass ones, this is original cast and follows the story line from the ORIGINAL 'the fast and furious' Too bad Vin Diesel is such a bad actor, he's so meaty. I think I love it, and don't get me started with Paul Walker (sigh..) I also really like Michelle Rodregez, she's so adorable in a 'I can kick your ass' kind of way, it's so sad that she dies :( Oops. There will for sure be another one, yet again with the ORIGINAL CAST!! None of this tokyo drift garbage, although they do reference it as a joke. I don't understand why I was the only one laughing in the packed movie theater. There was a scene where Dom (Diesel) gets shot in the shoulder, and doesn't even flinch.. it's just really funny. And then there was a part where this gangster says to Brian (Walker) "do you still leave milk and cookies out for sanata?" and he replys frightened, "....yeah..." It's just funny. No one picked up on it though. Also watched Bed Time Stories with Adam Sandler. It was OK.. I liked the Guinea Pig BUGSY.. he was too cute, too bad that's not how a guinea pig sounds like at all. I can't wait for Sorority Row to come out.. Audriana Partridge dies in it! and can't forget America's favorites.. Brad Pitt in Inglorious Bastards and Johnny Depp in Public Enemies.

Hoping to drive down to Florida on tuesday till saturday with Aaron. Wedding tonight, i'll put pictures up on my Facebook.

Seacrest out

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I hate when strangers think it's ok to harass girls. I especially hate the metro. It's disgusting and dirty.. also where strange men lurk. Prior to the Britney Spears concert a man who was fully equipped with a TV and cash flow decided to annoy Rachel and well I got it on tape. I didn't want to make it obvious by capturing his face but you get the picture. Tell me this isn't annoying.

rebirth in 5 days.

Sleeping is such a difficult task for me. I'll probably be up for another 3 hours so I guess REBIRTH WILL BE OUT IN 4 DAYS! So excited. Still listening to HOT REVOLVER. Heck yes. Took Lucy for a walk and did The Biggest Loser work out and my legs are mush now. Went to Applebees with Rachel, forced myself to eat cause I guess a yogurt a day isn't healthy. Went to tropical smoothie then the mall. Back to t-smoothie. Another mall. Then stopped by the boys lax game with Kevin, Liz and Rachel.. i'm almost positive I embarassed them with my obnoxious yelling. Even a parent said "God DAMN" yeah what's up :) Love making a scene and have people stare at me especially when we were the prettiest ones there! Oh man so much fun. Went to Aarons house and watched Promotion and now i'm home..
seacresttt OUUUTTT..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

young mullah baybahh

STILL LISTENING TO HOT REVOLVER! I can't freaking wait for Rebirth to come out. Lil Wayne never seizes to amaze me. Woke up with the worst head ache ever, took my dog for a walk.. and watched Tyra. Still had a headache and debated on going to the hospital - didn't want to have happen to me what happend to Natasha Richardson.. ignore a head pain and then die :/ but after a nap and advil I was fine. I'm pretty sure I owe alot of money to my bank. I look forward to making new videos to post of me and Gigi performing random awesome songs. I need to take a picture of the new whip. I love it. 2009 Ford Edge. It's so sexy. Went to Crawl's house to watch Lie to Me - it's so crazy how people can detect emotional messages, and it takes place in Virginia so that's awesome. Sent out a few texts saying "I'm pregnant April Fools" that was pretty funny and stupid. Also watched this show 'I get that alot'.. Jessica Simpson reminds me so much of my friend and that's not a diss. Heidi Klum was gorgeous even though she was in a t-shirt and jeans.. no make up and messy hair. I want to be her. SIKE I want to be ANNALYNN MCCORD <3 LOVE HER.

Monday, March 30, 2009

monday!! ~ rebirth ~

Sooo today I woke up with shin splints and had to take Taco for a walk. I looked outside and determined it was a nice warm day and I was wrong. I went out in flip flops shorts and a t-shirt.. half way down the street I ran back and put uggs on and a sweat shirt :) Comcast guy came and fixed my wireless internet schveettt.. I saw Monsters vs. Aliens with my bff Gigi today.. SUCH A FUNNY MOVIE!! I love Seth Rogan. Before that we took videos of eachother dancing in my NEW 09 FORD EDGE just some Jesse and Brit Brit = love them. Then we went to the mall and had some grill kabob, just the best food around.. thats the only plus about being Afghan.. awesome food, and a sweet tan. When we were done we went to Charlotte Russe to look for a dress that I could wear to the Demott's wedding, I can't wait because I've never been to a white wedding before haha, even though they are just renewing their vows it's still fun. I've always wanted to dance with Crawl without having to bump-and-grind ;) I found the perfect dress well that's what Gigi says I'll post pictures on my facebook Sunday after the reception. My guinea pig just jumped in the air - it's called "popcorning" SO cute!! After I dropped of Gigi I went home and Crawl came over.. He took a nap while I uploaded pictures I took from earlier in the day then we went off to the boys lax game.. Congrats on the win, their 3-0. Love that team, and I miss Coach Lenotti and when i'd have to run off and get him a diet coke and all the players little brothers throwing around behind the bleachers.. *sigh* After the game I had to go get my dad chinese food and 5 Arnold Palmers from 711.. He's obsessed with those. Finally I got to watch the Monday Night Line-Up...
I Love Money 2 - I hate Tailor Mades allience. Actually, I just hate Myamee, Prancer, and Ice. Tailor Made and It aren't bad. I just hope Becky Buckwild and 20 pack make it far, maybe they will bring back Frank the Entertainer.. *fingers crossed* YOU KNOW him and buckwild are still going at it behind cameras.
Gossip Girl - I'm not sure I would like Blair and Nate together, but when I was younger I'd buy the books and ONLY read the chapters about them. It's safe to say what they have is hot and passionate but Blair and Chuck love eachother. Jenny needs to get killed off the show.. And I wish Serena would do something about her hair, it's so gross.
For the Love of Ray J - DANGER! I know you don't win because of the "he got me pregnant" interview you did with the National Enquirer but get Unique out of the damn house!!!
Keeping up with the Kardashian's- Kim is an idiot. Her face isn't that great. She's large. Have you seen that body in a bikini? YIKES!!! Her sisters are the ones who should be getting the hype, especially Kourtney.. and her step brother BRODY JENNER!! I love him. She's only a "social lite" because she had a sex tape and is dating REGGIE BUSH. He doesn't want to marry you honey, stop pushing it! You're like 5 years older than him and he actually has a future!
(didn't feel like watching One Tree Hill & Greek tonight even though Jesse's on it now!)

still jaming to "Hot Revolver" -- Weezy's REBIRTH album comes out April 7th!!!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

another thing

I forgot to mention my mommy will be taking me to IKEA to go furniture shopping for my new place this summer!!! Also the song that's playing right now is called Hot Revolver by Lil Wayne, it's off his new rock cd.. so sick.

sunday funday!!

WEEHOOO today was GORGEOUS :D I went to the driving range, Woodys on Rt. 7.. I did good and had TGI Fridays with my home girl Marcela (again with the identities) Ginger said I make this too much like a diary so I guess i'll write about other things even though no one reads what I say. I can't wait for Sorority Row to come out. Urgh. OH I went running with Crawl to 711 when it started to rain, we came back to my house and did some curls, I guess he's trying to whip me into shape. He doesn't want me to end up looking like my mom so he's starting now on making me his trophy wife - can't blame him, he's stuck with me for a long time :) hehe. I wish I had things to talk about besides my life but I don't.. I really want to go to the dhsblax game tomorrow vs. Loudoun County @ home but Crawl doesn't want to go.. I guess I could say I'm a manager and stand on the side lines.. This is their last year to be good so I really want to see them play, can't say the same for the girls team.. they blow hardcore, since 07 & 08 left they are nothing. Im sad to have to get rid of my guinea pigs before I move to Radford. They are so cute but stinky, I like taking care of them and harassing them but unfortunately they'll have to go :( My ipod sucks. I need to update it. I don't know what to write about.
Seacrest OUT.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Woke up to Crawl's hot breath in my face, it was lovely :) I've had a stuffy nose all week and this morning I woke up to dried snot on the roof of my mouth, disgusting. We watched Mission Impossible 3 for some reason, it was ok don't really like Tom Cruise. Later we went to Chilli's with my dad, pretty good.. he gave the waitress a $20 tip off of a $60 check, he's crazy. When we got home Crawl and I watched The Last House on the Left on my laptop - Good movie! 3rd time seeing it. Now he's at the Buffalo Wing Factory with his parents, I hate that place. Gross deep fried food, a dirty restaurant, not really my fortay. My stupid internet doesn't work yet again because Crawl screwed it up but denies that he did even though it worked at 12 but after he tried to figure out the web key to the internet and messed with wiring it didn't work at 12:30... isn't it obvious who did it? My guinea pigs hate me because I keep harassing them, but they don't want to love me so I force them to. Hmm I guess i'll go facebook and wait for Crawl to come home from the BWF and bring home a dvd from the Redbox at Giant.. Weehoo
Seacrest OUT.

Friday, March 27, 2009


So today I woke up at 5:40 to go to Radford. Unfortunately my dad doesn't appreciate good music so I couldn't listen to it loudly as I usually do - sucked reeeall bad. Longest drive I've ever driven, Did I mention I drove there AND back? While my dad slept... On the way to Radford I got hungry and stopped off at a McDonalds and asked my dad if he wanted anything but I advised him of my rule no eating in the car.. he said no, and went to sleep.. I then went inside the McDonalds and ate breakfast alone, a man named Ralph came to greet me and talk nonsense for a good 30 seconds I was very uncomfertable so then I took my hashbrown to the car and was on our way. Anyways, I was pretty set on a place to stay at, Copper Beech. I saw 3 places, a really nice, new one bedroom apartment, It was gorgeous but unfortunately they don't allow pets because it's so new they don't want any pet stains.. sucks again. Then I went into a two bedroom chataeu that was made in the 70's... so gross, the theme of the kitchen was green. I almost had to settle for the out of date gross two-bedroom until last minute the leasing director took us into a currently owned two-bedroom duplex, it's the only one of it's kind because all the rest of its type are two levels but this one is one leve, it has a charm to it.. my dog Taco would have a nice backyard.. I'm just stressing about my dad having to pay for my Cancun trip that I'm scared to ask if he can pay to buy some furnature for my new place.. On paper I'm moving in August 21st for a 12 month lease but the current resident will be moving out early in August so I'll be in there sooner. Finally, we're home and I took a good 2 hour nap and woke up to Crawl barging into my room, he's a cutie. We started watching Prom Night, he wanted to watch The Parent Trap but changed his mind to keep his man hood, we're now watching some basketball game and will probably just hang out watching tv all night.
Seacrest OUT.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


This is my first time like a virgin. My BFF told me we need to have identities and so I'm going to start by calling her Ginger, she got me into this. Anywho so I guess I should start by saying I woke up at 1pm today felt great :) Took my dog Lucy I mean Taco for a walk in the rain she didn't like it one bit and neither did I. I caught up on my Tyra Banks today, some girls are just sluts - so gross. My boyfriend "Crawl" came over during his early release and we hung out and watched this movie The taking of Pelham 123 or something like that, parden my spelling. It was pretty good, a remake will be coming out in June with Denzel and John Travolta.. looks good. I also found out today that someone close to me FATHER thinks im crazy.. I was pretty upset about that, but I realized I don't need his approval. Now I'm watching the greatest transvestite musical in the world, The Rocky Horror Picture Show - LOVE IT. I've been watching it since I was 5, it's funny to watch it now because now I know all the dirty jokes and the real story behind it. Alright well I'm waking up at 6 to head down to Radford to find an apartment hopefully at Copper Beech.
Seacrest out.